
Copyright See-Saw

This is not a fully-fledged blog. For the time being it is not. Much more time would be needed for the operation of a real blog. This is rather only a simple website to facilitate quick and easy publication of studies and comments on current copyright issues. The title "Copyright See-Saw" refers to a desirable balance in and around copyright. A see-saw only functions appropriately if it is well-balanced. This is also true in the field of copyright, but nowadays, when the expression "balancing of copyright" is used, it is usually intended to only mean balancing copyright by means of reducing its level of protection through exceptions, Iimitations, "flexibilities." "externalities." etc. Of course, exceptions and limitations are needed in recognition of certain public interests and legitimate private interests. They are indispensable also in order to achieve and maintain credibility and public acceptance of copyright. However, no adequate balance may be established by burdening only one side of a see-saw. We may only speak about real balancing of interests in connection with copyright if the public and private interests requiring adequate protection and effective enforcement of the rights of authors and other holders of copyright (and related rights) are also duly taken into account. What appears on this website is made available in this spirit. Unless otherwise indicated at the end of a study or comment published on the website, it is allowed to be copied, distributed or transmitted for non-commercial purposes, with due attribution of the source.

Dr. Mihály J. Ficsor